Tuesday 21 May 2024

I LOVE it when the sun shines!

See how the colours are changing as the temperature lifts. The blues are fading but here comes bronze and purple and a promise of pink.
A vey wet spring has created a bit of a jungle. I like it!


  1. The whites and yellows give way to the blues and then to the purples - so lovely.

    1. The garden always takes a little while to adjust when the forget-me-nots have been pulled up and shaken. They are such obliging and generous plants. Lots of promise ahead, 'tho, if the slugs and snails give the flowers a chance!

  2. Our garden is a bit sad at present but I am really enjoying yours.

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying my photos, Susan. In other seasons I am envious of the things that you can grow!

  3. Isn't allium one of the most attractive plants in bloom? My sister has created a purple border in her garden, it is all coming together very nicely this spring, with a good mix of rain (sometimes a little too much of that) and sun.

    1. Rain!!! Shh, don't speak of it. Although what's the betting that we shall be crying out for some in the summer months.
