Sunday 25 August 2019

Late summer colour

Bank Holiday weekend and the weather is glorious! We were going to be out and about but have decided that quite the best place to be is at home in the garden. We had an invitation from Wee One, but the thought of traffic to the coast and the crowds once we were there made it fairly easy to say no. Getting old? Yes, I think so, we relish the peace of our own space. The late summer colour is intense.
But I wish the gladioli would look the right way and not to the back of the border!

We are eating the climbing French beans as if there is no tomorrow
and the same with the courgettes. I never mind how prolific the courgettes are because they are such a versatile veg, I can always make lots of ratatouille to put in the freezer. They make a nice meal split lengthways and parboiled, then the  shells filled with  the scooped-out flesh mixed with grated cheese, breadcrumbs, cooked diced onion and garlic and lots of herbs and popped into the oven to brown.
It's a lovely time of year.
But what's this? I look over the hedge and see that the swallows are gathering on the telegraph wires above our neighbours' chimney pot.
Don't go yet, I'm still enjoying summer!

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Late summer

No sooner do I brag about the endlessly warm summer days than in comes driving rain and buffeting wind. Tall plants thrash about, fruit crops fall to the ground and I have to retreat indoors. This late summer suddenly has the feel of autumn.

The ground is sodden, all the water butts are full. No more lolling on the steamer chair in this corner of the garden.


A daily picking of climbing French beans and courgettes.


Tuesday 6 August 2019

Summer days

We are enjoying endless warm, dry summer days here in the west country. In the early evenings hot air balloons drift out from the city. The often take a dip over the nearby woodland and first come to my attention when I hear the sound of the gas burners putting more air into the balloons to make them gain height. If they fail to do so they then they occasionally land in the fields, but more usually they rise gently and drift off towards the south of the village.
Here come three of the five balloons that floated our way the other night.

This is the second summer in a row that we have enjoyed hot, dry weather and it has made me review the water storage needs for the garden. Four full butts and six half butts collect water from the garage and outbuilding roofs, but foolishly, the whole while we have lived here, water from the house roof has gone straight down the fall pipes and away. What a waste! This week we've positioned three very large butts around the house, giving an additional capacity of 1,050 litres. There is a lot of roof, let's see how quickly they will fill once we get some rain.
I'll  let the creepers grow over for a bit of disguise.

I ordered the butts but Himself did the necessary fitting!
The garden is looking rather messy now, a good rainfall would perk it up a bit. The glorious burst of June and July colour is over and the late summer flowers are opening up. I've sown the fresh seeds of my lupins and delphiniums and have got good germination. I'll add to the cutting bed as I trim the lavender and rosemary bushes.

It's a time of plenty in the veg garden - we are eating well! And there's just enough space to cram in amongst the plants in the greenhouse when we drink our coffee.

I'm savouring these days. Our winters are long!

Friday 2 August 2019


The family were home last weekend and I had some help in the garden. The helper was awake bright and early. 6.30 and raring to go!

Fruit and vegetables to pick, only the RED tomatoes, please.
A lot of watering was done, mostly of his socks. After the fourth soggy pair we gave up and the potatoes for lunch were harvested in bare feet.
Gosh, we were busy. 
Then a bit of entertainment, I'll hum it, you play it. 
Ah, well, perhaps not.