Friday 31 August 2018

Skywatch Friday in the Yorkshire Dales

It's still summer - just, and we were in Yorkshire with the family for the August Bank Holiday. As often seems to be the case when it's an official holiday the weather was a bit 'glichy', one day fine, another day not. Above the outfall of the beck the plywood letters spelling out the dale were still in place, erected by the villagers when the tour de Yorkshire cycle race took place earlier in the year. They were placed to capture the attention of the cameramen as they swept up and down the dale in their helicopter. I doubt the letters will last the winter, the weather hereabouts can be cruel!
Looking down on the village where my parents lived.

Sharing a watery sky with Skywatch Friday.

Monday 20 August 2018

At the weekend

On Saturday we went to a musical garden party. The band played under the gazebo in Tean's garden beside the Bristol Channel, glimpsed through the trees.

It was a very English summer affair, with finger food, drinks 
and the threat of light rain!

We all had a lovely time!
On Sunday I had a bit of a catch-up the garden. It feels very end of season now. Things have greened up after the rainfall but it all looks rather bedraggled.
There seemed to be a lot of wasps about and we discovered a huge wasp's nest in the attic. Its hanging in the most awkward place. The wasps are gorging on the fallen apples and we've hung jam traps in the trees in an effort to reduce their numbers.

I was delighted to find this flower on the pomegranate tree. It was a present last Christmas and a new plant for me, so I hadn't know what to expect. It is very pretty and I shall be even more delighted if it manages to turn into something that I can eat!
The rose that my 'little' cousin Ralph gave to celebrate our golden wedding is flowering its socks off
and the lupins grown from seed have revived considerably after the rain and are having a second flowering.
But when it gets too damp I retreat into the greenhouse, 
check out the basil and coriander
and munch on a few irresistible small tomatoes. 
Sally's ginger plant has thrown up a number of dramatic flower spikes. It reminds me why I first started blogging. My garden is full of flowers that have come from family and friends, first from my father and his older brother, my lovely Uncle Will, treasured and divided, with pieces then given on to friends. Now I have a garden of many memories, friends who have died while their plants still thrive. (Sally thrives as well as her ginger plant but sadly she's no longer our neighbour.)
I'm treasuring it all -
summer will soon be gone.

Saturday 18 August 2018


The city of Bath takes pride in its floral displays. The small central park called Parade Gardens creates a different themed book each season. We peered over the balustrade and then walked down to take a closer look.

Last year I was walking by as the book was under construction, a design being made to celebrate the work of Jane Austen.

The long border is set out in regimental fashion. I'm not a fan of this type of civic planting.
It takes a lot of plants!
The gardens are free to local card holders and accessed down a flight of stairs, passing beside the statue of the winged angel of peace.

Here she is beneath a rather cloudy sky, to join with all other skywatchers on Friday Skywatch.
The gardens give a good view of Pulteney Bridge and the weir.

There are several statues in the park,
traditional ones like the angel and Mozart
and rather more modern and humorous approaches such as this floral dress - an idea that I'm tempted to copy at home!
We were in Bath to see a production of Arthur Miller's, 'The Price'. As you can see from the photo, we were in the cheap seats! No matter, it was an excellent production and very thought provoking. We discussed it on the journey back home and kept returning to it throughout the evening.

Monday 13 August 2018

At last!

At last we've had some rain and, hopefully, more will follow. Too late for a number of plants and trees in the garden but other sad-looking specimens have lifted up their drooping heads and are attempting a bit of a show.

I have never seen the walnut tree so laden with nuts, in spite of many having already fallen. 
The dessert apple tree on the right of the picture looks beyond saving, there has been no sign of life following the rainfall. The other tree is holding most of its fruit but the apples are far smaller than usual.
It's interesting to see what has thrived in the veg garden and what has struggled. I would have expected a good onion crop, but no, it's pathetic. Sweetcorn and French beans, however, are romping away.

I find that it's very dangerous when your local food store also sells plants. I went for some basic supplies and spotted this very pretty hibiscus. Irresistible!