Monday 13 May 2024

A perfect weekend.

The sun shone, it did not rain, and it is open season for the National Gardens Scheme, when people open their private gardens in aid of charity. I've made a note in the booklet of the places that I want to visit. First stop was in nearby Forest Road where I hoped to get advice and inspiration about planting in deep shade.
I had forgotten that one of the most pleasurable things about these visits is in meeting the owners and creators of the gardens. It was certainly the case at Forest Road, where we were the first to arrive and received such a warm welcome and enthusiastic information about the planting. The careful labelling was much appreciated as well!
This was the plant that I wanted to buy. Although there were plenty of healthy little plants that had been propagated to sell unfortunately this wasn't one of them.
In the afternoon we went for a barbeque at our daughter's house. In between playing croquet, shuttlecock and flying cardboard aeroplanes we sat in the sunshine and watched the tits flying in and out of the bird boxes. Nest building completed I think they must now be feeding their young.
The Boy was full of energy and eager to be toasting marshmallows once a few pieces of wood were lit in the fire pit. He introduced me to the delights of melted marshmallow squashed between two milk chocolate digestives.
The Boy was right, they do taste good!


  1. Open Garden Days are such a delight! My most memorable visit was at Littlethorpe Manor years ago; I have wanted to return ever since, but their open days never seem to be during the short period I am in Ripon.
    You did not get the plant you wanted, but did you get some advice on planting in deep shade?

  2. Open Gardens Day is a great thing. We have that too - I love strolling through the lovingly landscaped gardens.
    You took wonderful photos. Thank you very much.
    Too bad you couldn't buy your plant.
    Viola sends you many greetings - I wish you a happy week.

    1. How nice to hear from you, Viola. I was quite pleased with myself for having got through the weekend without buying a new plant, especially since the Sunday outing was to a specialist plant sale. (Himself was most impressed!)

  3. I always enjoy our village open garden trail. Have not yet come across anyone who can grow roses here.
    My experience of croquet is that it is not a game for civilised company. It's ritualised meanness.

    1. Our croquet game was of the no rules variety, suitable for playing with a six year old. The sound of mallet on ball is lovely and it's a nice way to shuffle around the lawn. The shuttlecock attempts were hopelessly unskilled although I did get the occasional, 'good shot, Nana!'

  4. I love going around other people's gardens. This one that you visited looked great and even had our New Zealand Tea tree (leptospernum).

    1. It was a very small plot, crammed with special things. (The cakes for sale looked equally good but it was too early in the day for us to indulge!)
