Sunday 26 May 2024

Bank Holiday

No one can say that the weather in Blighty is predictable. On Friday the skies were overcast but there was no wind and no sign of impending rain so we went to the beach for a walk and had the place pretty much to ourselves, just a few dog walkers and people fettling up their beach huts, making ready for the weekend and the season ahead.
Saturday brought warmth and sunshine so we took ourselves off to Christchurch to have a look around their food festival and soak up the holiday atmosphere.
The priory can be seen to the right of this rather fine Victorian bandstand.
Ladies in pink were choosing their tipple, although I preferred the look of the Dorset tea stall.
It was too early in the day for the stalls of cake or fudge or anything else to tempt us so we went on to Mudeford to walk by the water. It was heaving with the people at the sea front so we parked inland and enjoyed a far quieter spot overlooking Christchurch Harbour, walking along Fisherman's Bank.
This is such a lovely spot. The front of the houses, on the road side, are unassuming, but on the harbour side their frontage is delighful. I liked the simple planting in front of this house that combines wild and cultivated flowers and grasses.
More fettling up to be seen as we approached the sailing club.
As we returned to the car I spotted this lovely rose, a delightful welcome to the house. (But it's their back garden that I covet!)
It rained overnight and today there is a strong wind. We are staying home. Himself is painting the shed. Who knows what we'll get tomorrow.


  1. I look forward to going back to the south west one day, especially after seeing all your lovely photos. Enjoy your evening!

    1. Dear Denise, I hope you will manage a trip to the South-West. let me know if you plan a visit, I may be included in your itinerary!

  2. The weather has been very unsettled here recently. Yesterday, we had sun, rain and sun. It was windy and felt chilly unless one was in direct sunshine; then, it was warm enough to go in shorts and short sleeves.
    The photos are beautiful! I love the rose in front of the house and the stone wall as a backdrop for the flowers.
    The path you chose to walk looks very much like my kind of path, too.

    1. The pleasure was in walking such a peaceful path when elsewhere was bursting with noise and bustle.

  3. How lovely to see so many swans.
    The Dorset Tea van looks very colourful and very welcome, too, I should think.

    1. Tea is much more my tipple than anything else.

  4. I'd love to wander round a good festival. Marvellous. So are your photos of the seaside walk.

    1. We had a good nosy wander about. All very jolly, with music blaring. But much preferred the quiet Fisherman's Walk!

  5. Replies
    1. It was, Susan. Fair weather and a Bank Holiday don't always come together!

  6. The blue of the Dorset Tea van is so inviting! It made me happy just to look at the picture. Lovely photos.

    1. Yes, the tea van was very well designed and inviting.

  7. Hi, it's been some time that I was in England (last time before Covid) - your charming photos make me want to go again. Cozy atmosphere!
