Sunday 5 May 2024

A bit of sunshine!

We've had a bit of sunshine, but only a bit! When you are sun-starved even just one day feels like a blessing. Yesterday morning, the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, we woke to sunshine and went to walk on the beach. It was still quiet, just the early dog walkers and runners, a yoga class on the sand and a group of women swimming. The yoga class was all women, where were the men! At home checking over their lawn mowers perhaps, getting ready for the season ahead?! (Himself is very smug now that we have no grass and he is relieved of duties.) The sea was calm and there was virtually no wind. Perfect!
Back home it was good just to potter about the garden and risk planting out a few squash, with some fleece looked out to cover them at night. Blue sky, oh, how lovely.
Its a pleasant temperature in the conservatory. I've got beans growing in here in a large pot that I'd like to put outside but it is cold and drizzling today. Well, that's a Bank Holiday in Blighty for you!


  1. Blue sky and blue sea - perfection.
    It's sunny here today, in Berkshire, until early afternoon, apparently, then it's back to more of the wet stuff!

    1. And so cold. The rain scuppered our plans to go visiting a nearby Japanese style garden open under the National Gardens Scheme.

  2. Beautiful blue skies !
    It's still early in Spring, I'm sure once the heat turns up, everyone will be wishing for cooler weather.
    Those beans look raring to go.

  3. Replies
    1. A bit of sunshine makes everything look good!

  4. Doesn't it lift the spirits to see a blue sky. We've had some lovely weather up here in Yorkshire this week, it's about time after the dismal start to spring we've had.
