Monday 13 May 2024


On Sunday there was a rare plant sale at Athelhampton Hall. Flask made, sunhats on, off we went to take a look around.
Our first glimpse of the yew trees was enticing and the plant sale was put on hold until after we had explored the gardens.
An aerial view of the yew tree garden showing the central pool and fountain.
There are many pathways and arches that give tempting glimses of the house and other areas of the garden.
Here we are framed before one of them.
The various 'rooms' of the garden all have a pool or water feature of some kind. The water is sourced from the River Piddle, a shallow but fast flowing river that runs through the Athelhampton property.
As we watched we saw a grass snake swim from one side of the river to the opposite bank.
We made our way in leisurely fashion to the plant sale. Nothing there to tempt me. Himself was shocked, it is the first time I've come away from a plant sale empty handed!
We admired the beautiful dovecote and some of the planting near to the house.
We drove home through Puddletown, stopping to take a photo of one or two of the many thatch cottages in the village.
That's what I call a great day out!


  1. Yes, a wonderful day out and thank you for sharing it.

  2. It's a place straight out of a fairytale, especially the dovecote. Enchanting and enchanted!
    The plant sale does not look very busy, nor do the gardens and paths. You must have chosen the perfect day for your outing.

    1. On both Saturday and Sunday we were at the venues as soon as they had opened and able to avoid any crowds. (On Monday the heavens opened. Had we been out and about we would have been drowned rats!)

  3. Amazing place. Wisteria is good this year. Very luxuriant.

    1. It would be a good setting for some of your work, Tom.
      Yes, the plants are enjoying the rain, even though I'm not!

  4. Oh thank you so much, I loved the gardens so much. How I miss England! Thanks for visiting my blog, I got that English heart, you see. x

    1. Hello Kay, always nice to meet a Romantic! I hope you kept all the letters.
