Saturday 29 June 2013

Flowers in the house

Here's the last of the lilac for Jane's flowers in the house at Small But Charming.
And a bit of sparkling pink and some biscuits.
Oh, yeah!


  1. You still have lilac? Lucky you, though I guess that means summer is a long way off for you.

    Thanks for sharing your garden and biscuits with us.

    xo Jane

    1. That was just one last sprig of lilac, Jane, from a dark corner of the garden. It is a strange year, with so many days and nights of cold weather that some plants have hardly grown at all. Then a little bit of warmth and sunshine and the spring flowers have come belatedly into bloom alongside summer plants.

  2. Ah such beautiful photos! :-)

  3. Your weather seems very strange. You start spring much,much earlier than us but now your flowers are behind. Our lilacs are bloom at the end of April and roses are the beginning of June. There may be a few roses left.

    Thank you for bringing the biscuits and bubbly along with your flowers. I guess I need to step up my game.

  4. You're right, Steve, our weather IS strange. This year a prolonged spell of cold weather put spring growth on hold, so that now I've got a mixture of plants that don't usually flower together. Peonies and roses are in competition, the pink peonies looking glorious and the red ones still in tight bud!
    "Step up my game" What are you talking about - you blog is FANTASTIC!

  5. Such a beautiful table, flowers lift my spirits no end. It's miserable here today but I have seen next weeks forecast - can't believe it!
