Monday, 15 August 2011


I've rescued Gertrude Jekyll from the rain. She's an English rose, raised by Austin in 1986. Her parentage is part 'Comte de Chambord', an Old Portland rose, and her perfume is lovely. She is named after the  artist, writer and gardener, (1843 - 1932) famous for her painterly approach to planting.

I'm having to pick flowers between the downfalls and bring them into the house in order to enjoy them, it's just not the weather for sauntering round the garden. The small pale pink ball of a rose, centre front in the vase below, is 'Raubritter', obliging me with a second flush of flowers. Although it has no perfume, because of its shape it is one of my favourite roses.

I've cut back some of the globe thistles and fennel because they are becoming too vigorous and threatening to take over the border. They are both very structural plants and it is nice to have them on the kitchen table and be able study them at close quarters. 


  1. is it normal for you to get rain this time of year? i'm so used to long hot summers here. your flowers really do need to be studied indoors. they are so beautiful.

  2. Gertrude Jekyll is my favourite rose. I am having to bring her indoors because otherwise her flowers become wet dishcloths in a very short time. She never fails me and flowers right through to late Autumn.

  3. Love these images...your flowers are lovely.
    I feel very happy when I have bouquets indoors.
    It feels like a reward for all the weeding !

    Hope that the sun will come out soon for you.

  4. Flowers just finish a room, adding a fresh clean beauty to the room.

  5. Dear Janet, sadly it is normal, but not the excesses of this summer! I've never brought fennel nor globe thistles into the house before and have enjoyed being able to look at them in detail. It has made me realise that my thinking has been too rigid about what are and are not suitable flowers for cutting.
    Thank you, Starting Over. I WAS an artist, before my eyesight deteriorated! I am so glad that you enjoy my garden.
    Dear Weaver, yes, Gertrude is a lovely rose.
    Dear Hostess, I find something to bring in from the garden nearly all year round. The most inconspicuous and overlooked flowers and branches can be heart-lifting once put in a vase!
    Dear Doc, oh, I do agree.

  6. Gertrude Jekyll is illuminating "My Blog List". I don't want her to leave she is so beautiful.
