Friday 26 November 2010

Boot Camp.

I've come to Ilfracombe on the Devon coast
to boot camp.  I'm up in the attic.
I'm hoping to transform into a body like this Ilfracombe statue that gazes out to sea.
There is a good chance, because our (over) eating patterns are being revised.
We are up before the sun.
This is the view from my bedroom window.

I used to think that playing with a ball on a beach was fun, but that was when it involved sunshine and a bikini and not much effort. This exercise session was a killer as we had to do sort of press up thingies. Oh, the agony of trying to get fit!

Breakfast. You need muscles just to lift the water jars, obviously intended as yet another exercise.

We started a hike at the top of a hill, and our leader very kindly pointed out the hill at the other side of the valley where we were to eat our lunch!
But first we had to walk down to the valley bottom
and up the river valley
stopping for a snack and a breather at Watersmeet
before climbing up the other side, (Watersmeet is in the centre of the picture below, where the two rivers meet)
and finally reach the summit, where we had a good view of the coastal route back!
Ah, good, we return to an afternoon snack.
Another day, another hike.

One week later and I've almost got a butt to be proud of!

I went to the 'NuBeginnings' Boutique Boot Camp, which offers a holistic approach to health and well being. It was a packed week and involved a new language for me of 'abs' and 'gluts' and so forth. I was too busy trying to thump the instructors in boxercise to take any photos, (after all,they had made me run up a sand dune!) The exercise sessions were pretty punishing, making muscles ache, but they did produce results and the massages that followed were heaven! The countryside around Ilfracombe is wonderful for hiking and we walked deserted beaches, wooded valleys, hills and the coastal path. We did pilates, yoga and salsa and I fell in love with qigong. Also experienced for the first time, needles in my ear from an acupuncturist, hypnotherapy and had lectures on homoeopathy and aromatherapy and nutrition. The food that we ate was all low GI and a great detox. Managed to fit in a few saunas. Quite a busy week. I loved it! 

With thanks to Ebtihal, Ruth and Vicki for their company and support.


  1. What a beautiful place to be tortured!

  2. Now that's the way to do food, gorgeous scenery, fresh air and a castle like setting.
    I would love to participate in a posh getaway like this!

  3. What a stunning place, and for low GI the food looks great as well. I have only ever driven through Ilfracombe but shall definitely stop and explore a bit more next time.

  4. Dear Steve - exactly!

    Dear Hostess - if you want to discover muscles that you never knew you had then this is certainly the place to do it!

    Dear Gary - yes, it is a lovely area. The hike that I've posted was from Lynton to Lynmouth, up the Watersmeet valley and then up Countisbury Hill. It's a beautiful coastline to explore. I'm planning a more leisurely weekend sometime with Himself (without the Nordic pole walking!)

  5. I agree..if you gotta "work it" this is definitely the setting to do it in! Good for you, hope you enjoyed it!

  6. Dear Rosemary,
    while you are in this mood I would highly recommend a great book to read - "Food and healing" by Annemarie Colbin. It's not about diets and restrictions, it's about good health and good life. Here is her website with some more articles:
    After such a week you have to be really refreshed and energized. Great!

  7. Dear Connie Lou - oh, I worked at it alright, but it was fun (mostly!)

    Dear Bozena - thank you for the info. Yes, I feel great and am a convert to good eating, but suspect that it will all go horribly wrong over Christmas time!
