I love auriculas, they seem to have quite definite personalities, sitting up straight, head erect, very controlled and decorous but then giving such a blast of exciting colour. They were brought to England in the sixteen hundreds by the Huguenot refugees and there are now over two thousand named varieties in cultivation in Britain.
They are traditionally displayed in a 'theatre', a series of tiered shelves with an overhanging roof which protects the plants both from rain damage and from excessive summer sunshine. (Ha ha, this is England!)

When I visit the Chelsea Flower Show I always go and drool over the auricula displays. The pots are presented in perfect order, often set against a backdrop of black velvet so that the colours of the petals stand out dramatically. I take a notebook and list the names of the plants that I would like to own. Some of the names seem inappropriate, such as 'John Wayne' for a beautiful flower of pale pink shading out to crimson. Other names sound decidedly old-fashioned but seem much more suitable, 'Norah', 'Peggy' and 'Pauline' and neat little 'Mrs L. Hearne'. I've been searching for 'Yorkshire Grey' for years without any success, having read of it in a book, 'Auriculas for Everyone' by Mary Robinson. I'm a Yorkshire lass and grey is a favourite colour, so what could be better?
My auricula have never heard this word. They're quite exotic and stunning. I love the little theatre idea; it's totally precious.
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful, like little fairy flowers...I love them, need to see if I can find them in Hawaii...thanks!
ReplyDeleteDear Steve and Connie Lou, Beware, auriculas can be very addictive!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog - don't worry for me, worry about your plants! Looking forward to more of them.
ReplyDeleteOh how I envy you being able to grow these lovely, lovely plants. Where I garden it would be completely impossible. You are so blessed with such a wonderful climate. Come visit my garden sometime. It is difficult but I do the best I can.(-:
ReplyDeleteWelcome, La Vie.
ReplyDeleteYes, auriculas are exquisite, but then, so is your climate! Think of me in the long dark, dank days ahead - January, February, March and probably also April, when I would happily swap my little flowers for some of your warmth and sunshine.
Eenjoyed your article. There is a Clasified List updated annually that lists in excess of 5840 named cultivars over 5840. Just for your info.