Monday 29 January 2024

Dull days

Even on the dullest days, if I go outside, there is something uplifting to find. This morning we are blanketed in a drippy mist. I rather like it, it suits my mood at this time of year. It has altered my plans to do some tidying up in the garden, I may have to resort to doing housework!
A casual glance at the garden and it looks as dull as the day but closer inspection shows promise of bud and leaf. The plants in pots have had a hammering from strong winds this winter and are looking rather raggy and my lavender bushes don't seem to like it here and they look half dead or completely so.
But look! Faces down, not at all keen to show off, the hellebores are starting to flower.


  1. I actually like mist and fog, as it lends a place such a mysterious atmosphere.
    There are two hellebores in a planter my Mum gave me for Christmas, a white and a red one. The white one is blossoming nicely and has healthy-looking leaves of a glossy, dark green. The red one looks rather sorry for itself and has not shown a single bud, let alone a flower.

  2. I like your comment "I may have to resort to doing housework". A lady after my own heart.

  3. Looks more like "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness". I'll bet Keats never wielded a hoe.

  4. We are in our women gentle rains season. We so need it it unlike the destructive summer male rains. Love your misty foggy days Refresh the soul. Beautiful garden and flowers.

  5. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Beautiful garden and flowers.

    Great picture, great 'name-play' :-), great post!
    Love to you always

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
