Monday 1 January 2024

New Year 2024.

In these troubled times it was good to bring in the New Year feeling safe and warm in our own home. I could only wish that it might be the same for everyone else. We finished off the side of oak smoked Isle of Bute salmon that we had all been tucking into over Christmas, put our feet up on the sofa and remembered past and livelier Hogmanays! Messages came in after midnight and were sent to family and friends.
In the morning I phoned Edinburgh to check that the traditional New Year's Day steak pie was going to be on the table. Yes, there was going to be a house full of family and the steak pie was ready. Oh, how I wished to be there! We had a good long chat, remembering all the fun of past celebrations and stating our intentions of meeting up before too long, good intentions that are rarely realized.
I send you my best wishes for happiness and good health and a peaceful and contented 2024.


  1. Safe and warm in our own home… you said it. We were talking about how fortunate we are to live where we do, have jobs, reasonably good health, more food on the table and clothes in the wardrobe than we need.
    Happy New Year!

  2. That oak smoked salmon sounds delicious. It is a blight on society that everyone does not have a safe, warm home to live in.

  3. Safe, warm homes wrap around us like blankets. I wish them for everyone.
    Happy New Year.

  4. Sounds like a cozy and reflective New Year's Eve! Wishing you continued warmth and safety in the new year 2024. Cheers to cherished memories and brighter days ahead!

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