Saturday 17 February 2024

Compost and other delights.

I've been in bed, only my nose visible above the bedding. It's a good place to be in February, but only if you are feeling well! Some bug or other has traveled through the family. I was the last to succumb and it really wasn't pleasant. But now I'm up and about and greatly cheered by the arrival of a jumbo bag of garden compost. It is glorious stuff. One thousand litres and I've used it up already. I'm resisting the urge to order a repeat delivery but shall wait and see how beneficial this load is when used as a top dressing on acid soil. The garden is made up of a series of narrow gravel pathways and is a good place to meander, especially in spring as shoots start to appear and buds form. I'm delighted with the camellia bushes that last year had no buds but this years are a joy to behold. A combination of creating a bit more light and a good scattering of fish, blood and bone.
The emerging plants look good set against the dark compost.
Yes, it's still soggy and damp out, but gardeners look forward and all around me the garden is saying, 'look, just wait, just wait!'


  1. SO beautiful! And such hard work.

  2. Your garden looks wonderful. It's definitely nice to walk through this large, beautiful garden.

  3. You should be on Gardeners' World. As should the garden.

  4. So sorry to hear you've been sick, but happy you are up and about now pottering in the garden. It looks like a treasure trove of lovely surprises!

  5. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. 1,000 litres of compost sounds just wonderful. As I have said before I do love your new garden.

  6. Glad you're feeling better. 1000 litres of compost would be a real treat to spread around the garden. Love your camellias. Ours are slow this year, but there are lots of buds, so I'm hopeful. Your garden looks wonderful.

  7. Your garden looks all ready to burst into action as soon as the sun comes out. It is very green, even now that we‘re officially still more than a month away from spring.
    Glad to hear you have recovered from whatever bug it was that ran through your family.
