Wednesday, 8 June 2022
How Hill Secret Garden
Sometimes when you see a sign saying 'secret garden' you prepare to be greatly underwhelmed by what is on offer. We wandered through a woodland path at the How Hill Nature Reserve and happily on this occasion were delighted to enter a lush water garden, beautifully planted with ferns, candelabra primula and all manner of delights. The ground was very soggy with many pools and streams. The garden was created by the local architect Edward Boardman. His house at How Hill was built in 1904.
I have never seen the heart-shaped flowers of crinodendron hookerianum before. Lovely!
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About Me

- Share my Garden
- I live with Himself (husband) in the coastal town of Bournemouth in the South-West of England. All text and photographs on this blog are copyright and property of Rosemary Murphy unless otherwise stated. I have three blogs; Share my garden, My life in one hundred objects and Miss Cellany. The 'Himself' blog consists of short stories and artwork, copyright of Peter Murphy.