Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Street party

Well, I have to say it was a very British affair. Our hamlet was determined to have a street party come rain or come shine, and yes, you guessed it - we had rain! It ran down the bunting, dripping off the points. Luckily someone had pulled a canopy out of the back of their garage and it worked a treat, giving the children the added excitement of a possible soaking whenever the canopy collected too much water and it bucketed over the edges. Not the planned entertainment, but the children found it fun! Each household brought a savoury dish to share and a dessert. There was a great deal to eat! I made sushi and an Austrian coffee cake. The men caused much amusement standing in for Prince Philip. After the Covid years it was so nice for the hamlet to be back to sociable times.


  1. It sounds a lovely party in spite of the rain. Your two dishes look delicious.

  2. I won't be in the UK until mid-July, so we've missed all the parties, but I would have loved this!

  3. PS: I can't seem to find the comment box on your previous post, the one about the secret garden at How Hill. Anyway, it looks beautiful - very much my kind of place.

    1. I'm having a lot of difficulty with my blog, it seems to have a mind of it's own!

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, that's how much of a royalist I am, food from Austria and Japan!

  5. God save the Queen! Long may she live & rule! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Poor soul. What a shambles she has around her.

  6. found you again and glad to see you still at it, rosemary. i enjoy visiting your garden -- just wish i could keep up with all your doings! keep on keeping on!

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