Monday 27 April 2020

Fleeting pleasures.

I walk round the garden first thing in the morning. Everything is still and quiet and it's cooler than the previous few days.
The crab apple tree is laden with blossom.
My topiary pheasant is starting to look quite respectable.

The tree peonies have responded well to the warm weather. I found a label on this one that was still legible. "Hu Hong" 
The names of others are quite forgotten.
I should be grubbing out the forget-me-nots now so that I can plant out some cosmos and other annuals, but I'm always loathe to be rid of them, I love the mist of blue that they spread all about the garden, looking equally good underneath both flowers and sprouts!
The pleasures of many of the spring flowers are fleeting.  Is that why I like them so much? Favourites are the tree peonies and camellias.

But as the peonies fade the iris buds start to open.
Goodbye to camellias
and tulips.
Hello to some eye-popping colour
and the first pickings of asparagus!


  1. Your garden looks wonderful without having to crop the pictures like I do.

  2. I love everything about this post - your garden is a piece of paradise (I know I've said this before); forgetmenots are my favourite flowers, and green asparagus is so delicious - all it needs is a little melting butter on top...

  3. Love the photos, our peonies are just starting to bloom but today is rain so probably no progress.

  4. What glorious pictures! And your pheasant is looking quite respectable, and identifiable!

  5. Love the first picking of asparagus. I've never grown my own but I did get to have it from a local farm a few years back. Oh my heaven. I ate many of them, whole, top to bottom, raw. They were just so good.

    Love the walking of the grounds. I ate my breakfast soup outside today. Pure heaven.

  6. Oh wow! How wrongly I judged you. There I was - with unmitigated gall - talking about systemic weed killer and here you are in charge of this sceptered isle, this earth of majesty... this other Eden, demi-paradise... this precious stone set in a silver sea.

    I retreat backwards, my forehead scraping the stones of your celestial paths. Daffs need wrenching out of the stone troughs at the front and I must find a willing drudge.

  7. I just came back to see your fabulous garden again and didn't see my comment.... I think (?) I am doing the ...Hit the wrong button again.

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