Friday, 19 April 2019

Good Friday skywatch

A flat blue sky may not mean much to many skywatchers, but for me it is a delight after a long, grey winter, especially when, like today, the air is still and warm. Now the horse chestnut tree is covered in fresh green leaves,
but the walnut tree is still bare-leaved, it is always slow to waken after the winter months. We, however are wide awake and getting ready for the summer months ahead! We brought the garden furniture out of store and gave it a coat of teak oil. A blue deck chair is in action while the oil dries and  here is my blue sky photo for Friday Skywatch.
At last I'm able to put some of the plants from the greenhouse outside. 
At this time of year the sun comes round to the west side of the house and today it was warm enough to have the door open. The sunlight flooded in and lit corners that are usually in shadow.
Lighting up the carvings of Christine Kowal-Post.

It was a warm and peaceful day, a good start to the Easter weekend. I hope that your Easter holiday will be equally enjoyable. A large orange-coloured moon appeared in the early evening but my camera couldn't capture the unusual colour.


  1. Blue skies are always welcome here!
    As for the sun lighting up corners that usually are in the shadow, I must admit it tends to make me notice where I next should give things a good dusting and scrubbing ;-)

    1. The sun did light up an impressively long strand spun by a spider, but I wasn't going to mention that!

  2. Beautiful home and garden. I do enjoy a clear blue sky too especially after long gray winters.
