Sunday, 3 March 2019

The good the bad and the ugly

All the rain tubs are full and now I'm rather wishing that I'd emptied them out and got rid of the accumulated  winter debris before this latest batch of wet weather came in.
The garden is full of moss. I've pulled clumps of it from amongst the iris in the pond.
Its smothering the thyme and other small plants and making the pathways slippy.
The net blew off my brassica bed in the veg garden and before I was aware of it the birds fell upon the cavolo nero with delight. It had been looking so good, but not any more! (They pecked over the broccoli while they were at it.)
And the chard has taken a bashing as well.
But there is much to delight in at this time of year. We shall soon be eating the new crop of rhubarb.

I've used the large delivery of compost as a top dressing on the perennial borders and planted in clumps of forget-me-nots from where they had seeded in the veg plot.

Tulip leaves are peeping up. Unfortunately they provide a good marker for the squirrels who promptly come and eat the bulbs and leave the leaves lying on the soil. I've read that a solution is to plant under wire netting and its something that I should try because those squirrels can certainly eat!
The spring blossom is a delight, with something different to spot in the garden every day.

And among my favourite flowers, the camellia bushes 
with lots of promising buds.


  1. Your garden looks lovely and Spring looks much farther ahead than where I am.

    1. Spring has taken a step back since I posted, with harsh winds and low temperatures. Some flowers are riding it out well -others are not!

  2. It all looks so lush and it's not even full pelt spring yet. No wonder you're sharing your garden with ravenous critters! I do love camellias. We were able to grow the C. Sasanquas at our old place. They used to start putting on their show in late summer. Always a treat!

    1. My labels have faded and I no longer know who I have, only that some of the camellias are so beautiful and give me great pleasure whenever they bloom.

  3. How lovely your garden is at this time of the year. My gardens are all under six inches of snow. This too will pass and in a few weeks spring will be here.

  4. Everything always looks so magical.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It is such a promising time of year, Parsnip, with old friends reappearing, pushing up through the soil. (Not all the tulips however!)
