Sunday 3 July 2016

Spindle Cottage Open Garden

Today our friends Angela and Alban opened their garden for charity. If you have seen the 'Shed of the Year' programmes on television then Alban may be familiar to you. His 'sheds' are fabulous and the BBC have quite rightly presented him with a lifetime achievement award.
There is a special building in the garden for each of their grandchildren and lots more besides. Charlotte's post office proved very popular with all the visiting children.

And although I'm rather out of scale 
I had a lovely time as well!

It's all the little details that delight.
The sun shone

lots of people came

we met up with friends
ate cream teas
listened to music
 explored the lovely structures

a shepherd's hut

the tool shed
with an Alban cut-out!
Here is his workshop where all the magic takes shape.

What a lovely way to spend a summer afternoon.


  1. That is wonderful and must have taken a life time to build. Garden Village, what could be better?

    1. It's an ongoing project, Donna. It seems that every time we visit something new has been added. It is certainly a celebration of life, the tool shed and the 'tudor' bedroom were built to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee!

  2. Wow how wonderful. Their garden must be huge. It must be fun for them finding the right things to go in each building. No wonder he got the award he certainly deserved it.

    1. No, it isn't a big garden - the buildings are small, perfect for a child! Everything is done with love and the result is delightful.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, that's exactly it, a real spirit of fun! The stork on the chimney pot is a new addition since I was last there.

  4. Oh my goodness! So many ideas so little time. Thanks for all those amazing pictures.
