Sunday 1 January 2012


There are no street lights in our village and last night we dodged our way around the rain puddles with the aid of torchlight on the way to our neighbours New Year's Eve party.

(A typical winter position in British households in winter is leaning with your bum against an Aga!)

The food was delicious - I tried hard not to look at the desserts!

Waiting for the clock to strike midnight.


Round about two in the morning I was back home putting a good splash of brandy on the pheasant joints for our first of January lunch. With the addition of thyme and parsley, juniper berries and garlic the meat was left to marinade until a more respectable time in the morning.

A meal of locally shot birds and home-grown vegetables and herbs make a good start 2012!

We have celebrated the start of many New Years with our friends Janet and Steve, always happy times, the best company, and here comes Janet, bringing flowers.

Maisie is partied out. 

We loll in the sitting room in the warmth of the wood burning stove,

and feel a little bit partied out ourselves! 
(Do you like the Christmas socks?)

Wishing you all a happy, healthy year to come.


  1. A Happy New year to you both and to the dog too. Hope we shall meet again this year. Like you I rather overate and - as you say - local pheasant is so delicious. The trouble is that they feed at our bird table and I always wonder whether the ones David shoots have been feeding there.

  2. Happy New Year Rosemary, looks like you had lovely celebrations with excellent food. Crusoe, like Maisie is all partied out, we are calling him 'little sausage' at the moment, cos after all the Christmas treats that's what he looks like, long walks for both of us in the New Year!

  3. happy new years rosemary. you look stunning in your purple dress!

  4. Happy New Year Rosemary! All the best for 2012! That feast for New Year’s Day looks incredible, I am partial to a bit of pheasant.

  5. I agree with the gardener's cottage you look absolutely beautiful in purple. I am sure your pheasant meal was delicious. Happy New Year.

  6. Dear Weaver, Happy New Year from our house to yours. I'll be in touch when we are planning a trip to the Dales.

    Dear Dash, if I know fox-terriers your 'little sausage' will not be looking that way for long - they are far too good at tearing around the place at break-neck speed. ( I have been given a blog award/mention and am going to pass it on to you, if that is alright?)

    Dear Janet and Rosemary, Thank you both for the complement. I always feel happy wearing the colour purple - my excuse for owning six purple dresses!

    Happy New Year, Bertie, and an exciting one for you. Where will you be this time next year?!

  7. Hello Rosemary,
    I'm interested in licensing your photograph of:
    58. Snake woman by Christine Kowal Post, 53 x 50cm.
    for an advertisement for a play in New York called "Slowgirl" being done in a small theater at Lincoln Center. Would this be possible? If so, please contact me:

    Thank you!
