Sunday 11 June 2023


We have had such a glorious spell of weather but with each sunny day the garden has started to look ever more forlorn. The soil is thin, with no depth and holds no moisture. We have resorted to putting a hosepipe from our bathroom window over the roof and into watering cans below. The plants seem happy enough to be drinking soapy water and we can enjoy our baths without feeling guilty. The downpipes on the house went staight into the drains, no water saved. Now we have, somewhat belatedly, fitted butts. Why I didn't do so in the winter I don't know. Anyway, they are now in place and today it has rained! We look to see how much rainwater has been collected. I've also bought a water bowl to sit in the sunken space that was once a pond, since filled in with bricks. We are not up to the task of reinstating a pond and the large trees above with their annual leaf fall also make it impractical. I'm pleased with this shallow bowl. It won't attract newts or frogs and so forth but I'm hoping the birds will like it and it is the easiest thing to maintain.


  1. I am sure the birds will enjoy your bowl (as long as there are no cats).

    1. There is one very self-assured black cat with white paws who saunters through the garden. Don't know who he belongs to.

  2. We've not had a single drop of rain between May 15 and June 8, and it shows. On the night of the 8th, a thunderstorm brought some rain and relief. No more since then, and the weather app on my phone shows a small possibility of rain only Tuesday next week.
    A water bowl for the birds is a very good idea. I keep one on the windowsill in my kitchen, and it is regularly visited.

  3. It's looking very lush despite the lack of water.

    1. That's a very shady spot. Plants in the sunshine are wilting.

  4. It's dry as well here in Switzerland. And windy, that makes it even worse. The soil has big and deep cracks. I have filled empty pot saucers with water for all the wildlife... and they use it frequently. We hope for a bit of rain on Sunday, fingers crossed.
