Saturday 24 June 2023

British Summer Time

By way of a change this year British Summer Time and summer weather coincide - it isn't always the case! We've got the Bournemouth boot - a car boot that is always at the ready for a trip to the beach; folding chairs, hamper, towels and cossies, suncream, spade and a beach game at which we are hopeless but which the five year old loves! We've been collecting him straight from school. He gets into the car in white shirt, grey pants and sturdy black shoes and gets out in green crocodile crocks and his swimming trunks ready to run straight into the sea. I have to be ready also so that I can sprint in after him. "Come on, Nana, swim!" I stand up to my waist in the water, waiting to acclimatize and shout for him to wait for me and swim no further out.
We 've had one good downpour of rain overnight, almost filling the new water butts. The garden has responded with lush growth and some of the gravel paths have almost disappeared under foliage. The soil has quickly returned to dust. I would really appreciate a regular pattern of overnight rain and sunny days!


  1. Your beach trips sound like fun with your 5 year old grandson, I imagine it keeps you young.

    1. I would like to think that it keeps me young, Terra, but my knees keep telling me a different story!

  2. Love the garden - Is there any lawn? You would be more than welcome to some of our rain. I just checked Metservice re drying washing and it says 5 days or more. Everything is boggy and further south is much worse than us. Great that you get to collect your grandson from school and go straight to the beach.

    1. No lawn - Himself is delighted! Life is very different now that we live close to family.

    2. That sounds (and looks) wonderful. Plenty of garden and now mowing.

  3. What a wonderful way of life for a 5-year-old - being collected from school by his grandparents and directly taken to the beach for an afternoon swim!

    1. Yes, a childhood by the sea seems wonderful.

  4. Some people seem very well organised.
