Tuesday 8 March 2022

Sunday stroll

 Although the temperature was 3 degrees and there was a fierce wind, the promise of some sunshine on Sunday was enough to tempt us out for a walk on the beach.  Lots of other people had the same idea.

The sand was blowing and we bowled along happily with the wind behind us.

The noise of the surf was loud. I was glad to be well wrapped up.

We were walking on the Sandbanks stretch of Bournemouth where  it is interesting to gaup at the ostentatious houses overlooking the sea, built for millionaires. (Some Russians, maybe? Their places might be up for sale soon!) In between the big, showy structures just a few of the old houses, like this one, remain. They are far more appealing to me. I hope that they will never be pulled down and replaced by another monstrosity. The old houses are a reminder of how Bournemouth used to be.

It was lovely to feel the sun on our faces. I feel very starved of sunshine at this time of year .

The family were about to turn around and head back into the wind.

Just a bit longer to soak up the sun, said Himself.


  1. You were not bare-legged, were you?!
    The pictures show it all - sun, wind, sand. Delightful, but as you say, one needs to be well wrapped up to enjoy it, as well as be able to get back into a warm, cosy house afterwards.

    1. I was wearing as many layers as an onion, footless tights, dress, velvet waistcoat, BIG scarf/shawl, fleece boots, quilt coat etc.. I stayed warm but was certainly buffeted about!

  2. What? You were down in our stomping ground again, and didn't shout me for a coffee?

    1. I may hold you to that, Gary. We are in Bournemouth quite a bit because we are trying to move to be close to family. (I see there is a house for sale on Panorama Rd for 8.5 million. Not for us!! I wonder if it is a Russian selling up?)

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