Saturday 19 April 2014

Happy Easter

The reason my house/life is untidy is because I never throw anything away. I've got a number of theories for this - war baby, it may all 'come in useful'! Frugal Scottish/ Yorkshire parentage. Creative - I might do something with it. ('Might' being the operative word!) Whatever the excuse, I've got drawers crammed with stuff and here is just a bit of it, trotted out for Easter.
Birds' nests (with unrelated eggs.)
A very small white rabbit from my childhood.
Can you spot it?
An assortment of tin and pot eggs,
and a very fine beaded bird, a present from Africa.
Hanging baskets.
All that's missing now is chocolate!


  1. happy easter! like you, i take comfort in my 'thungs', and i think yours are beautiful!

    1. 'Thungs' - I like it! In our family we describe it as 'stuff'.

  2. Your theories make sense. :-)
    Happy Easter with lots of sunshine!

    1. The sun is here today, Paula. Lots of love to you.

  3. I also belong to the club of "I may be able to use that again". I am getting better lately though and disposing of things that I would have kept before.

    1. You're getting better, oh, good for you. I think I'm a hopeless case.

  4. Have a wonderful, colorful, Easter holiday, Rosemary.

  5. Lovely decorations and I have the same problem, I never throw anything away.
    Happy Easter !

  6. Happy Easter to you too. And I hope you'll find the chocolate tomorrow. One chocolate bunny has already vanished here...very strange...I have to divert suspicion from me and better clean my chocolote mouth :o)
    x Alex

  7. Lots of stuff is just fine if it's GOOD stuff. Found the egg! Just beautiful. Happy Spring, Rosemary!

    1. I've got good stuff, I've got not-so-good stuff AND I've got a whole load of rubbish.
      I kept a pair of cowboy boots for years, then I took an objective look at them, thought them rather naff and took them to Oxfam. ONE WEEK LATER Wee One said, "You've THROWN OUT the cowboy boots!!!"

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Steve. We are in AWE of you and your wonderful house - there is surely a book to come of it!

  9. Happy Easter to you!

    "The reason my house/life is untidy is because I never throw anything away."

    But your photos don't show anything untidy! That is why I'd aspire to be you -- LOL... OK, perhaps not a laughing matter since the blogosphere explored has been busy pushing me towards getting rid of all my worldly bits and bobs.

    So I say, found at last! On this blog, a confessed non-minimalist! People label me as minimalist, but a truer word would be maximalist! I try to make the most with whatever is at hand because my grandmother (who I grew up with) always told me to never throw anything away because I might need it someday. And my own mother was always repeating to me how she was born on a homestead in the middle of the great depression when their crops failed and they didn't have anything to eat. Not being in that situation is certainly something that today I am grateful for.

    Anyway, in short, from all that long-windedness above, I see you as a maximalist! But perhaps a better one than I! Your world as presented here is so tidy and endearingly beautiful. It is like a breath of fresh air and dose of sunshine just visiting. So thank you for sharing your garden!

    (And all for now!)

  10. Dear Wildside, thank you for relabelling me, I'm very happy to think myself a Maximalist (I think it deserves a capital letter, don't you?)
    Your family history sounds interesting, I hope you will tell their stories on your blog.
    My photos don't show the messy bits because I'm sneaky and don't point my camera where chaos reigns!

  11. What a great collection of objects. Happy Easter to you!
