Monday 14 January 2013


Today started unpromisingly dull and wet.
But there is some cheering blossom in the garden. 
And a lot of moss!

In the afternoon the sun appeared, which made us feel a whole lot more cheerful, so we put on warm clothing and went for a walk, in the mud!

When we got home it was nice to pull off our muddy boots,
light a scented candle,

and settle down with a book.
Our next book group choice is, 'A Crisis of Brilliance'.
Have you read it?
What did you think?


  1. Beautiful photos--what lovely countryside. Let us know how the book goes--maybe I should add it to my "list".

    1. Yes, Stephanie, I think that it is probably one for your list because, like you, it is about painters, the lives of five artists from the Slade School of Art.

  2. Blossoms?! Is that usual? We're probably a good two months away from anything blooming. What's the flower after the photo of the tree with the moss?

    1. There are usually one or two shrubs in bloom by late January or early February, not very visible in the garden but delightful when a branch is cut and brought into the house. The various flowers are often rather small and insignificant but wonderfully scented.
      The pink flower is viburnum gigantium, a very sturdy and reliable shrub that I need to hack back every now and then.

  3. Hi Rosemary,
    It never ceases to amaze me that when taken as a vista, a garden can look quite sparse and bare at this time of year, and yet if we open our eyes, as you do, there is colour to be found everywhere. You have such a wonderful area to walk in, and your home looks wonderful and cosy. I have never read that book, hope it's a good one!

    1. Finding just one small bloom is so uplifting at this time of year. Everything is under thick snow today but I know that somewhere down there the daffodil greenery has pushed above the soil!

  4. Gorgeous photos.... and the tulips in the vase look stunning. Enjoy the book. J

    1. I love tulips in a vase at the stage when they get all bendy, just before they lose the plot completely. These ones are still behaving well!

    2. I agree completely. I have almost had stand up arguments with family members who think the tulips are ready to throw out, just when I think they're getting interesting.

  5. Nice to see so many things blooming in your garden - I think we appreciate the winter flowers all the more because of their scarcity. Loved taking your walk with you and making the most of a bit of sun.

  6. Yes, I agree. It's a source of constant wonder to me that a delicate bloom can survive at all in unkind winter conditions.

  7. The light is beautiful. Very touching, even in 400 pixel :-)
