Wednesday 15 September 2010

In the greenhouse

The weather is wet and very windy and we've been threatened with a temperature drop and possible ground frost for the weekend. Time to tidy up the greenhouses and bring in the plants that will need protection. I've got two greenhouses, one is a dilapidated affair attached to an equally dilapidated garage. The other, built to overwinter the citrus trees that I've brought home from holidays in Spain and Greece, is attached to the house.
It was built a few years ago by our friend, Alban, with help from Himself. (As you can see, the dog was in overall charge!)

I designed the decoration on the roof ridge, where a fox terrier chases a hare and a pheasant. The theme came from the antics of Bella, our previous fox terrier.

In summer the citrus trees go outside and are replaced by a steamer chair.

But today I've folded the chair and stored it in the garden shed and the citrus are back in residence.

The garage greenhouse is very utilitarian, it's where I sow seed, bring on seedlings, root cuttings

 and grow my tomatoes.

Permanent residents include a very unruly jasmine and the delicate tea rose, 'Maricel Neil'.

I used to have a beautiful plumbago covering the rear wall, but weeks of bitter weather last winter proved its downfall. I had taken a cutting in the autumn and shall be watching over it carefully throughout the coming months. 
I hope that we are not going to have another big freeze.


  1. I love the characters on the ridge of your greenhouse. Did your husband make it? And the little article about Bella is wonderful!

  2. Dear Rosemary, I should love to grow lemon trees but have never had any success. Your own citrus trees look very healthy from what I can see and you do look after them with moving them indoors and out again. Glasshouses are wonderful but I always think that they just lead to an enormous amount of extra work.

  3. hi rosemary,

    not one but 2 greenhouses. pardon me while i am green with envy. i adore your cut outs on the top, they make it so personal. plumbago grows like a weed here. in fact most people treat it like a weed.

    now i know that if i get over there i have somewhere to hide.


  4. Dear Steve, I chalked the shapes on a piece of wood, Alban cut them out and Himself finished them off with a chisel.

    Dear Edith, I have a real battle to keep the citrus healthy; scale insects, caterpillars, leaves turning yellow, you name it. All the effort is worthwhile however, wonderful perfume from the flowers and serious bragging when I cook with the lemons!

    Dear Janet, "grows like a weed"- oh, you lucky thing!

  5. Just bought a new home, and it has a greenhouse. I am so excited. Will be following you for GH tips.

  6. I love your greenhouse! I would so love to have one. I do all my potting and seed raising behind my husband's shed which is also protected by an old rock wall which was an old house apparently at some time. I love gardening and look forward to reading your blog. Hello from Australia..take care, Maryann

  7. Hi,
    I was pointed to your blog by Janet Haigh and I'm in awe. Now it is my everyday stop for relax and inspiration, great place!
