Wednesday 18 September 2024


After a visit to see my brother and sister-in-law, who live in Grassington, we took a short detour to visit the small village of Hubberholme. We had stayed in the pub there while on our honeymoon fifty-seven years ago. Himself had a quick look inside. 'Don't go in,'he said, 'it's really scruffy.' Our memories of the place are rose-tinted; chicken cooked in wine for supper and afterwards someone playing a Spanish guitar in the snug. Instead I crossed the bridge over the river and went to look around the church of St Michael and All Angels.
I was pleased to find my family name on one of the handsome old gravestones.
This church was a favourite of the author and playright J B Priestley. (The most recent TV presention of 'An Inspector Calls' is brilliant.)
Followers of 'All Creatures Great and Small may recognise the church interior because it was used for James Herriot's wedding scene, lit, as my own wedding was, only with candles. The new series starts on TV tomorrow night. (The exterior shots were filmed at St Oswald's in Arncliffe.)
The Dales were looking very beautiful as we drove home in the late afternoon sunshine.


  1. Beautiful memories, there's nothing like the Yorkshire Dales in all of their glory.

  2. Beautiful church. What lovely memories for you.

  3. Your Yorkshire entries are gorgeous, dear Rosemary! We're going on a walk next year across the dales and moors and simply cannot wait to see God's own country with our own eyes!!

  4. What a shame about the pub. Good that you didn't go in and remember it as it was.

  5. It was a wise decision not to go in and spoil your rose-tinted memories of the pub. The church is beautiful!
    I love the new James Herriot series; my sister has given me the first three seasons on DVD for various Christmas or birthday presents. Hopefully, she'll give me the new one as well, as it's not on German TV (yet).
