Friday 23 August 2024

I hate to say it but

it feels a bit autumnal! We went for a walk on the beach. I wore my swimming costume under my jumper. A noble thought, but a wind was blowing so I took the wimps way and opted for a hot chocolate and a pastry at the beach café instead.The jumper stayed on!
There isn't much colour left in my garden now, I have a lot to learn about gardening in the shade. And such a pathetic crop of squash, thank goodness I've got an allotment, I shall hope for better things next year.
The varying leaf structures are pleasing and there is the odd pop of colour here and there.
The magnolia has been flowering all summer, one or two lovely blossoms at a time.
I'm pleased that the bougainvillea that I'd given up for dead is in recovery and giving a nice pop of pink.
And the red cherry tomatoes, grown both inside and out, are coming along nicely. We have been eating them for a few weeks now.


  1. I will gladly swap you a few days of our sweltering sunshine for a "hot chocolate" kind of day !
    You still have lots of color in your garden, ours is slowly drying up....
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Dear Jo, of course you are right, day after day of sweltering sunshine would have me also wishing for a hot chocolate kind of day. But here in Blighty it is the sweltering weather that is the rarity and now the first leaves are falling in the garden and a long stretch ahead before I can think of summer again. But I'm a happy enough bunny, planning ahead - veg, veg, veg!!

  2. You have some lovely flowers still blooming. I particularly like the blue sweet pea and, I think, a red canna lily.

    1. The sweet pea is called, 'Blue Velvet'. A strong colour but not as highly scented as I would wish. The cannas are indoors and have been absolutely glorious. I shall split them next spring and put half outdoors.

  3. Your magnolia is beautiful, with such glossy, healthy leaves. We're entering a quieter garden season now.

  4. I love all the greenery. A very soothing picture. Lovely with the colour and those tomatoes. Our white bougainvillea is just starting to bloom. It usually starts in September, end of summer. The red one blooms all summer

    1. Green I can do! Your bougainvillea sound sounds wonderful.

  5. Much as I love summer, I am looking forward to early autumn as it brings the cooler nights, beautiful colour and abundance of fruit, nuts and berries. Your garden looks good to me.

    1. A gentle, rather melancholic season, I think. I do like it but don't relish the thought that winter follows.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. We learn all the time. A difficult year for vegetables and fruit, but our plums are few but big, and the Sungold tomatoes in the greenhouse are plentiful but coming to an end now just of the outdoor ones are beginning to ripen. Other things like carrots and beetroot poor.
    Sensible not to go in the sea. Nice here today in the sun but only when the wind drops.

    1. Plums, how delicious, I'm sad to have left the Victorias at our last house.

  8. It's been hot chocolate weather here lately, too. Lots of rain and wind. However, the forecast for next week is calling for more heat. The garden must wonder what's happening. My squashes did nothing this year (other than four fat pumpkins), but the green beans are producing like crazy. Love the colour of your sweet peas!

    1. 'Blue Velvet' sweet peas aplenty but not a lot of perfume and the less said about my attempts at growing squash the better! (I'm going to do so much better on the allotment! We gardeners are an optimistic bunch!)

  9. So much color! I am still gobsmacked by palm trees in the British isles and in Ireland. Your climate is just surprising, even though I know it is the Gulfstream effect.
    Last week here was quite chilly, this week we are roasting.

    1. I am in unknown territory with this garden, it is full of plants about which I know nothing. I was brought up and have owned traditional English borders, lawn, rose garden and orchard where I knew what I was about. Not so here! There are tree ferns and banana plants in our daughter's garden nearby, I'm relying on them for advice!
