Monday 19 July 2021


 Last week we celebrated our fifty-fourth wedding anniversary with a trip 'home' to the Yorkshire Dales. We hadn't visited since before lock down, eighteen long months ago. What would we find? 

First sight of our dale.

Pinkers Pond used to disappear each summer, but several years ago it was lined and is now a pleasant little stretch of water all year round.

The ducks like it!

All was well at our place, the garden very tangled and overgrown, but so pleasantly so that I left much of it alone. Everlasting sweet pea had scrambled it's way through the Rosa Mundi - and pretty much everything else.

Push past the lavender the front door.

There is a path here somewhere.




Quite a bit of post had piled up inside.













Day 2 and the path was re-established.

Beautiful weather for putting a chair outside to bask in the sun.

Our property is bordered by a stream with a small fall. It is a lovely sound to hear through the open doors and windows. (In winter when the level rises you can hear it well enough with the doors and windows battened down!)

It is always pleasant to take the path that follows the steam up to it's source.













One of my favourite wildflowers, the harebell, grows on the slopes that border the path.

 And "Basher' Brown has left a decorative feature by the path as well!

A walk of about a couple of hours takes us up to the grouse moor. We have taken this path in all weathers, it is a pleasant circular walk and this week, in unusual heat, we set off in good time in the morning so that we would be back home before the heat of the day.

Nothing to hear but bird song.

Walking along the green road back to the village.

You can see the path that we walked on the right of the photo.


  1. Replies
    1. Well spotted. This is the place where I am positively joyful, Tasker. My favourite place in all the world.

  2. So lovely, and the overgrown garden gives it an enchanted atmosphere. How much I would love such a walk! Hopefully, after two years absence, my sister and I can travel to Yorkshire again next year. I miss it so.

    1. Luckily I'm not averse to a bit of chaos! I shall have a proper clear out of buttercups and nettles in the autumn. It was a joy to be back 'home' and walking the familiar paths.

  3. That looks a magical place and your garden is lovely both overgrown and tidied. I hope none of that mail was urgent.

    1. Funny you should hope that! The post included a threat of court summons! All sorted with a phone call, but why authorities continue to mail what they know is a second home and not my permanent address is beyond me. I had three lots of paperwork 'requiring urgent attention' that were many months out of date.

  4. Your blowsy flowery Yorkshire garden looks perfect to me, what a joy for you to return and find it so. Just over a year now since we were home, i am really starting to miss gods own country but then I am loving my Italian summer garden too,

    1. I felt the same way when I saw it, just a riot of bloom. It was raining when we arrived but the rest of the week was positively Italian weather! (I follow your posts enviously in the winter months when it is grey and grim back in Blighty.)

  5. What a treat to see your beautiful Yorkshire garden in bloom, just heavenly. The pond, the little streams, the green countryside, all are magical and lovely to see you happily walking there.

    1. It was WONDERFUL to be back in the place that is full of happy memories and present good company.

  6. Beautiful pictures of up t' dales. How lovely to be able to freely ramble across them. That must have been quite a job to line that large pond :0 but anything to make the ducks happy. Lulu x

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