Tuesday 31 December 2019

The old year.

The old year is almost gone and I'm not sorry to say goodbye to 2019. It has been a disturbing year marred by divisive, dishonest politics in Britain. Friends have been diagnosed with serious illnesses, cancer, dementia and Parkinson's disease,  each coping impressively with their condition and with their treatment. I am hoping that 2020 will bring a kinder, healthier year for everyone to enjoy.
Yesterday the sun shone briefly and I went for a short walk. I felt as though I'd been confined to the house for too long, only two brief walks with each of my daughters over the whole Christmas period. Vitamin D pills out of a bottle are very much a second-best option! I left Himself up the ladder doing more apple pruning
and took myself around the lake.

It has been a cold, misty and rather melancholy day today, rather fitting for the last day of a troubled year. 

We shall not be out partying  and dancing tonight, although we might have a bop around the sitting room. We've got a few fireworks for midnight, but, for just about the first time ever, I think we shall be in bed before one!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2020.


  1. My year sounds very similar to yours. I hope for better things in the new year.

    1. Yes, positive thinking is the way to go! Wishing you health and happiness throughout 2020.

  2. That ladder sure was one of 2019's highlights! Happy New Year from the future!

    1. You are right, Pip, the garden ladder is a real success, our fruit trees are getting a real tidy up. Whether we shall get any apples this year is another matter!

  3. I know exactly how you feel re: Politics, and even though I am unhappy with the outcome, I feel that now I must put it all to bed and deal with whatever comes along.
    Good health with happiness is most important and I wish that for you and your family.

    1. Thank you for your good wishes, Rosemary, and the same to you and yours.
      Like most gardeners I am generally forward- looking and optimistic, although that is a rather tough call with our present politics!

  4. Happy New Year Rosemary! I hope you had fun dancing! :) 2019 was an odd year for me, it never sat right...a new decade begins, new beginnings. Your photos are just lovely!

    1. I'm hoping this will be your year, Rain, and that a lovely house is waiting for you and your delightful critters.

  5. Happy New Year! Sorry to hear some of those close to you are going through difficult times. Hopefully, this year will be a better one for them.
    You live in a very beautiful area!

    1. Himself and I have reached an age where good health is seen as a precious thing that cannot be taken for granted, but I'm not going to consider myself old until I reach my 80th birthday -AGES away yet!!! (Big brother will be eighty next month.)
      We very much appreciate the area where we live. It is a good mix of countryside and small villages, but with proximity to city life.

  6. Happy New Year! Sorry to hear some of those close to you are going through difficult times. Hopefully, this year will be a better one for them.
    You live in a very beautiful area!

    1. Happy New Year. Perhaps we shall meet up in Yorkshire sometime this year?!

    2. If you happen to be in Ripon in July, let's arrange a meeting!

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