Wednesday 29 May 2019


No gardening, its been raining the whole day. Not the useful sort of rain for a gardener, giving the ground a good soaking and filling the waterbutts, no, just relentless drizzle. There are a great many words in the English language that describe the different forms of rain.  In Shropshire today's weather would be described as dabbledy, in Suffolk gravely and in other regions dringey or sloppy or a smither. In Scotland this sort of fine, misty rain is called a smirr.
I went into Bath in the morning to collect a book ordered from Toppings , one of the two excellent independent bookshops in the city. How civilised both these shops are and, oh, the temptation to come out with far more purchases than intended! At Toppings there is the added pleasure of sitting down and being given a coffee and biscuit. I had to fight my way to the shop through crowds of tourists, all dressed alike in plastic ponchos with the name of their tour emblazoned on the back. Another group were seeing the sights under what were very likely newly purchased umbrellas. I had to smile, what an impression the weather was giving, it could not be more British than this! It wasn't a day for wandering about town so I was home by lunchtime and had a walk round the garden to see if the drizzle was having any good effect. No, its dry as a bone beneath the leaves!

The artichokes are fattening up nicely
but the lemons are not happy!


  1. Replies
    1. It's a promising time of year - but it's getting away from me!

  2. It is just looking glorious, Rosemary!

    On the weather note, I was reminded how I found it rather amusing that the TV weather report during my time in England frequently used the adjective 'dreary', haha!

  3. Replies
    1. We'll soon be eating the first of this year's planting - hopefully!

  4. A smirr!! I like that. :) I hope you get some dry weather soon. We're having a few days of sun but it's still near zero C each night, not too good for the garden right now.

  5. Wow, so much blooming! Beautiful photos and a beautiful garden. Enjoy your weekend!
