Monday, 22 June 2015


June really is the month of plenty,
 with a little bit of sun and rain and warmth everything is thriving.
Paul's Himalayan Musk is flowering it's socks off
and the spuds are up and tasting great!
The buddleja alternifolia has completely hidden the seat beneath it.
The perfume is delicious
but it's hiding the white foxgloves,
creeping into the honeysuckle
and throttling the climbing Iceberg rose.
It will get a very severe haircut the minute the flowers have faded!

This stone step is full of broken snail shells, 
evidence that the thrushes have been hard at work.

The abutilon is another shrub that has grown rather out of control and needs to be pruned back after flowering. I'll take a few cuttings when I do so because it's prone to up sticks and die without giving me any notice.

Pinks are an absolute favourite, neat and well behaved, perfumed and, most happily for my garden, not considered a desirable meal by the slugs and snails.

the pond is alive with baby newts!


  1. Beautiful garden full of life and colour.

    1. VERY full of life at the moment, Merle, thrushes and blackbirds eating the strawberries, slugs eating the flowers, beetles on the asparagus leaves, blackfly on the broad beans - I could go on!!

  2. Goodness!!! Your garden is stunning!! And your pond is amazing! I really like how the stone sets off your blooms! Great work my friend!!! Nicole xo

    1. The pond is very small but valuable because it attracts so much wildlife. It needs a sort-out but I'm always loathe to disturb it too much because of the residents!

  3. June is the month of the garden, so much to see and enjoy. Your garden is just gourgeous with all these flowers, I love that Buddleja alternifolia and the white Dianthus, is that Mrs. Sinkins?
    Wish you lots of joy in your wonderful garden.

    1. 'Mrs Simkins', isn't it a great name! My white dianthus came from a DIY store and is un-named.

  4. I love seeing round your lovely garden, we had a pair of mallards visit our pond yesterday. They made a mess of the water lilies.

    1. Ducks are messy, I can vouch for that - we used to keep Khakii Campbell's. But in spite of that, how nice that they visited you. (They probably had a lovely time and will be back!)

  5. You are correct, June is the best month. After that things sometimes die or grow too big for the space they are planted. However, I love the challenge of working with Mother Nature.
