Thursday, 6 March 2025

Spring in the garden.

We are experiencing low temperatures but there is enough sunshine to tempt me outside regardless. There are encouraging signs of growth throughout the garden, colourful hellebores and crocus already flowering and the leaves of the bulbs that i planted in the autumn pushing through the earth.
The narrow gravel paths stand out brightly at this time of year.
The temperature in the small conservatory fluctuates wildly, stone cold in the night and hot and clammy when the sun shines on it for a little time in the day. An automatic opener would be good! I've got a number of seed trays in there, not anything that requires constant heat. (Those seeds are cluttering up the kitchen.)
A clear night sky and it's going to be cold!


  1. You have a little jungle there. I love it!

  2. I adore your garden. So much color already! And the conservatory is delightful.
