Wednesday, 21 February 2024


After several months absence our landing windows are now back in place, releaded and sandwiched between two sheets of plain glass. The workmen took two days to fit them, needing to alter the framework to accomodate the slightly thicker units. We are delighted with the result and it is surely going to give us a much warmer house!
The workmen had finished by mid-afternoon and since the weather was dry we took ourselves off for a walk by the sea. Our nearest access point is by walking through the tropical garden.
If we walk in the direction of Poole there is a glimpse of an interesting-looking house, just a partial view to be seen on the clifftop above the beach huts. I see some fascinating period properties when I drive around the area, I would love to be nosey and have the chance to explore them!
There are always some dog walkers on the beach, whatever the weather, not to mention a small boy digging holes or guddling in a pool of water!
The light was already fading as we returned to the car.
(Apologies to those who have commented on my blog. I love to read what you say but am currently experiencing problems in replying and also in commenting on your sites.)

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Compost and other delights.

I've been in bed, only my nose visible above the bedding. It's a good place to be in February, but only if you are feeling well! Some bug or other has traveled through the family. I was the last to succumb and it really wasn't pleasant. But now I'm up and about and greatly cheered by the arrival of a jumbo bag of garden compost. It is glorious stuff. One thousand litres and I've used it up already. I'm resisting the urge to order a repeat delivery but shall wait and see how beneficial this load is when used as a top dressing on acid soil. The garden is made up of a series of narrow gravel pathways and is a good place to meander, especially in spring as shoots start to appear and buds form. I'm delighted with the camellia bushes that last year had no buds but this years are a joy to behold. A combination of creating a bit more light and a good scattering of fish, blood and bone.
The emerging plants look good set against the dark compost.
Yes, it's still soggy and damp out, but gardeners look forward and all around me the garden is saying, 'look, just wait, just wait!'