Sunday 9 January 2022


We have had days of rain and strong winds and our daily walk has been restricted to just a short walk on the road. But this morning the sun shone and we put on our wellington boots to walk through the woods. The autumn leaves are now a mush and in places it was slippy  underfoot.

Once in the woods we could see the damage that the winds had done, splitting and taking down quite a number of trees.

The forester had been at work clearing and stacking the fallen trunks. There is plenty of brash lying around and I hope it will all be cleared before the bluebells start to push through. If not they will hamper the usual lovely spread of blue flowers.

The deer herd were huddled in the shelter of a clump of trees. and were disinclined to move when I stood to take a photo of them.

It was cold out and good to get back to the warmth of home, where the sun brightened the red of my roses from Aldi!


  1. Hope the sun comes this way. Everything wet and muddy here.

    1. Gloom had descended again by midday! Today the village road was partially blocked as they cut down a damaged tree.

  2. Your roses are such a welcome splash of colour! My Mum has roses on her coffee table right now, too.
    Seeing all the deer grouping like that among the trees is rather magical, although I guess for them, winter is anything but magical.

    1. Fresh flowers are nice at any time but especially welcome in the winter months.
      The deer are such beautiful looking creatures. This herd belongs to the hotel. It is looking rather large and I suspect there will be some culling in the spring.

  3. I love returning to a warm house after a bitingly cold winter's walk. Today's wind was definitely a lazy one, cutting right through me instead of going around me!

    1. That wind sounds more mean than lazy! Makes my nose and eyes run - not a pretty sight.

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