Wednesday 16 September 2020

Autumn colour


We are enjoying the most glorious autumn weather and stay outside for much of the day, all too aware that a long winter lies ahead and unsure as to what new restrictions and miseries are to come.

The leaves are falling, and as the walnuts ripen they are being carried away by the squirrels

or being cheekily eaten in situ and the shell casings left strewn untidily about.

There is plenty of colour in the garden 

and food to crop.

 A squash has escaped from the compost bay
and is sitting, like Humpty Dumpty, on top of the wall.
We are waiting for the pears to be ready to pick
and the figs to fatten up and ripen.
Meanwhile its still courgettes with everything!


  1. So glorious! I love massed anemones, and everything looks so bounteous. Is the squash a pumpkin? It is a rather lonesome chappie up on the wall. When I was young I bought a recipe book which was all about what to do when your zucchini harvest comes in, all rather hippy and self-sufficient in tone, and used to read it in my little flat in Sydney and dream about The Good Life, hahah!

    1. The squash/pumpkin's siblings are growing where they should be on top of the compost heap. I think I've done just about everything that can be done with a zucchini and still had plenty to give away. I know that I'll miss them the minute the temperature drops and they stop producing.

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  2. With all the turmoil going on here I’m afraid most of our veggies are a loss. The flowers this year however have been very productive. Those figs make my mouth water.

    1. The figs are ripening in dribs and drabs this year. Every now and then I pick a couple of succulent ones and bake them with some slices of goats cheese - delicious!
      Sorry to hear about your veg but glad that you have an abundance of flowers to enjoy. gardening is often swings and roundabouts. My parsnips, turnips and are a complete failure this year. No idea why!

  3. You have a little Garden of Eden there. So wonderful!

    1. It gives me a great deal of pleasure, Stephanie.

  4. I can only agree with what the others here have said. Love Humpty Dumpty!

    1. I shall have to climb up there and collect him some day soon!

  5. Hello people!!! My name is Esnard McCarthy and I live in Nevada,U.S and
    I am a full member of the Illuminati brotherhood, am among the 1252 lodge,,I
    was ordained by the Grand-master to go out to the world and bring
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