Thursday 6 December 2018

An absolute stinker

For most of November I had a cold, an absolute stinker. It put paid to any number of plans, including tidying up the garden before the winter weather set in. But we've had so much rain that I doubt I could have got much done anyway You could describe the weather as being an absolute stinker as well. I'm pathetically grateful for any brief glimpse of sunshine. When it does appear it is so low in the sky that it shines far into the rooms and illuminates areas that are usually dark.

I could gladly hibernate until spring.


  1. Replies
    1. Its the damp and the low light levels. I don't mind crisp and cold at all but this murky world is grim.

  2. Hot and dry here send us rain and we will send you sunshine.

    1. Ah, Merle, please arrange it, I would be forever in your debt!

  3. Late Fall turning into Winter.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. Dear Parsnip, I can't begin to describe to you just how much I crave warmth and sunshine. Even the briefest shard of sunlight gives me great pleasure.

  4. We have broken rainfall records this year and the dreary weather can really play havo with one’s mind. I appreciate every day of sun we get, even if they are freezing.

    I am sorry that you have been sick with a cold for a month and hope that you are feeling better now. Those colds always seem to linger too long.

  5. Dear Maybe, from different sides of the world we seem to share very similar experiences. I am finally back to feeling more like myself but the weather continues wet and windy! Friends have been struck down with similar lengthy spells of illness so I think that some specific bug is doing the rounds.
