Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Keeping out the cold

We are getting through a lot of wood this winter. Our small woodburner is lit in the morning and by the time we flop down in the sitting room in the evening it has built up a luxurious level of heat . We had another delivery of logs this afternoon, I think it's the fourth truck load.
Himself helped the woodman to chuck the logs into the store. The sun was shining and the wind had dropped. A nice day, but you can see from the roof on the store that where the sun hadn't shone for long a dusting of snow remained.
Himself was well wrapped up in his Rupert Bear scarf!
It's heartening to see spring flowers appearing.
Primroses by Maisie's grave.
Even the rhubarb is pushing through.
By 'eck, yon Yorkshire rhubarb's tough!


  1. Wood for warmth on a cold winter day and flowers for the promise of the spring to come. .

  2. You are so cold, we are too warm. It will be 80 today.
    Love the sweet spring flower by Maisie's grave.
    Wonderful, beautiful and also sad at the same time.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  3. LOL! Rhubarb popping up here be now too -- tho' not enough to use! Soon?

  4. The warmth of the woodburner is the best there is. We used to burn it all days in winter. Now I'm alone only on freezing days and in the weekend when familly and friends pop in.

  5. Brave little flowers! Rhubarb up, all sorts of promises there.

    It is also 80 deg. here in California. Wish we could melt some of your snow.

  6. I love seeing the flowers popping out of the ground, I have a few months yet to wait though. I really wish we had a wood stove. I hate using the baseboard heaters, but we're renting for now. In the new home in a few years, I only want to heat with wood. It's so cozy! Stay warm Rosemary! :)

  7. What pretty primroses, and the rhubarb is stoic there in the snow. You can't beat a woodburner for warming the house. We have one, rarely used, but love it on a cold day.
