Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Very British!

Wee One was home for the Jubilee weekend and we went for lunch to our friends whose garden abuts the Bristol Channel. It is always a lovely place to sit and watch passing boats or a dramatic sky. We sat beneath this lovely Blairi climbing rose, but not for long. After we had eaten the main course both sea and sky disappeared into one grey mist and the rain set in. We had to clear the table and decamp inside!
In the evening it was our village 'do'. We are a small hamlet and can just about all fit into one house. Homemade decorative bunting had been strung up all about the garden of our host and hostess but it was raining and everyone made a dive for cover. 
The greenhouse came in very handy. We shared it with a healthy-looking peach tree
and abutilon.


  1. Sounds pretty much perfect to me....and so English....lovely!

  2. It is always a special time when our children come home. Mine will come home this weekend to pick up her pups. I can't wait to see her. I hope you are having a wonderful visit.

  3. How lovely. I can only imagine the festive spirit everyone is in with all of the excitement going on this summer.

  4. Certainly looks like everyone had a good time.

  5. Perfect setting for a meal and your fête looks lovely, even in rainy weather !

  6. yes rosemary you need to purchase more space on blogger. i think it is $5 a year.

    so glad you are alive and well...as is your garden. xo

  7. Hope everything is alright with you Rosemary, you do not appear to have been around for a while.

  8. Dear Rosemary - I have just realised from the comment above i.e.
    the gardener's cottage that you have probably received a message from blogger saying you have used your allocation of photos.
    This happened to me last March, and everyone told me that I would have to purchase more space.
    This is not true, all you need to do is reduce the size of your photos. I do not mean make them small instead of large in the choices when putting on a post, but reduce the pixels.
    This was a complete mystery to me, but I managed it.
    I can reduce the pixels on my Mac but I do not know about other computers.
    You need to make them 800x600 pixels and then you can blog to your hearts content as that is considered free space by blogger.
    Another way of doing it is to go into PicMonkey which is free. Then go to edit photo, you upload your photo (sorry if you know all of this already) then go to resize and make your photo 800x600.
    Hope that this helps. I am going away tomorrow, but if you need any assistance let me know.
