Wednesday, 8 January 2025

What a world.

Floods, freezing, fires, fighting, bullies in powerful positions, sometimes it feels just too depressing. I hope that you all, dear bloggers, are safe and well and enjoying the small pleasures and acts of kindness that are still all about us even though the world does appear to be going crazy. A friend brought me white roses when she came to our New Year's Day lunch. I love white roses, they give me great pleasure. We are hunkering down, watching on the news film of the north of the country, my home county, under a blanket of snow. There are snow flurries here but nothing is settling, my grandson will be very disappointed! I'll be going through my seed box any day now and planning what to grow on the allotment - that should keep me happy!


  1. White roses for peace - beautiful! Planning the growing for the coming seasons is full of possibilities!

    1. I don't understand the mentality of war, everyone loses.

  2. Lovely roses. I don't know what to say about world issues it is all too daunting.

    1. We seem to have learnt nothing. What a shameful waste it is.

  3. As a Canadian I am horrified at the bullies in the world. I try not to dwell on it all, but it's difficult. Garden planning sounds like a lovely antidote. Your white roses are very pretty.

    1. Yes, I suppose it is best to concentrate on what I can do rather than what I can't. But these bullies, how can people believe them? I don't understand it.

  4. There is so much depressing news out there. We have to enjoy the small pleasures in our lives. Home, family, garden. I'm loving the greenery that's finally covered the brown earth.
    Enjoy your seeds. Spring isn't far away

    1. I agree with you and am pleased to know that your part of the world is bursting into greenery. I've had some lovely spring holidays in Greece over the years and delighted in the profusion of beautiful wild flowers all over the countryside.

  5. I am not sure how much you know about the goings-on in Germany, but my country is facing big changes, too. The government coalition broke up in autumn, and we have a general election coming up in February, half a year earlier than originally scheduled. My sister and I are going to help at one of the polling stations, doing our bit for democracy.
    The white roses are beautiful! It's my sister's birthday tomorrow, and for decades now, it has been a family tradition to give her colourful bunches of tulips - they brighten up even the geyest of days.

    1. Good for you and your sister. Birthday wishes to her, I'm sure she will enjoy her flowers. They are always a pleasure to receive but especially so in the dark winter months.
      Very unsettling times, politically speaking. Such a huge disappointment the way things are going.
