Thursday, 23 January 2025

Our house

The house where we now live was built in 1928 and it is considerably younger than our previous homes, a former farmhouse and a cottage that were centuries old. We were pleased to find, in the bundle of papers relating to our purchase, a large watercolour detailing the builder's intentions. We also have a small photograph album with images taken by one of the three daughters who first lived here.
It is fascinating to study the ground plan and see how the layout has been changed since the initial build.The kitchen is now a hallway with exterior side door and the scullery has been extended into a kitchen. The original scullery looks to have had some rather fearsome equipment!
The main body of the house is untouched and this is a source of pleasure to us, although not everyone would agree! Many houses of this period have been quite ruthlessly modernised. The inner hall then and now.
Can you decide to buy a house simply because the door snecks look lovely and feel good in the hand? Yes, I can!


  1. I suspect that some ruthlessly modernised houses might not be considered all that desirable in the future. I for one prefer several living spaces to one enormous one.

    1. Yes, like you I prefer to have several rooms rather than one big space. Our daughters both played musical instruments so it was good to be able to close a door on them at practise times!

  2. If a house speaks to you, then you have to answer. How interesting to have old photographs. Our house is newer than yours and has had considerable alterations.

    1. We were delighted to find the builder's plans and other information when we opened the solicitor's papers. We've never had such detail from our other homes. (I'm grateful that the kitchen was altered!)

  3. That blue wallpaper with the stars is perfect. Was it there when you purchased?

    1. We painted the blue and stars on what were previously white walls. We've always added this blue and stars to our homes but more discreetly, on the ceiling of outdoor porches.

  4. How wonderful to have these floor plans and other pictures!! I think the hall and staircase looks beautiful, and it is good that the original doors and wood panelling are still there.

    1. Yes, we were delighted. I looked at a great many houses in the area online when we were house hunting so I know that many of them have been stripped of their original features.

  5. How thoughtful of the former owners to leave floor plans and even photographs. The staircase is lovely with the wood panelling. A lovely home.

    1. We are the third family to be living here. The first occupants were a widower with his three unmarried daughters. The photograph album was made by the eldest daughter, a keen photographer.

  6. How wonderful that you have those old pictures and the original floor plan and elevation. I loved my old house but it had been remodeled at least twice I think before I bought it so I can only guess what it looked like originally. And I made a few minor changes to it as well.

    1. Until this recent move we have always bought old and rather neglected property in need of work so we've done our share of removing or moving walls and so forth. We are pleased now not to have to do it again!

  7. What a treasure to have those drawings and pictures! It is good to know that much is still original.
    We built our house in 1976, so 50 years younger than yours. I wonder how long it will stand when we are gone. I have always said I just wanted to it last my lifetime. If it does, it will have done its job.
