Friday 22 April 2022

Spring flowers

 The boggy end of our small pond is full of damp moss. The birds love it! They come and pull  away strands of growth, I think it is being used for nest building.

There are primroses everywhere, but much of the yellow of early spring is now fading and red, pink and blue colours are coming into flower. I bought an assortment of one hundred tulip bulbs last autumn and put them in pots covered with chicken wire to keep those pesky squirrels from eating the lot. It has worked!


The camellias are still hanging on and the tree peonies are braving the bitter winds.

Tree peonies are very special to me as they were one of my father's favourite flowers.  His garden was protected by a high wall so his plants grew into large bushes whereas mine tend to get cut back by the wind and never achieve any size. I shall have to think of relocating them to somewhere more sheltered.

Can you see the bee enjoying the pollen? We've set out the garden furniture. Ever hopeful!

Friday 15 April 2022


A misty morning with a heavy dew. But, oh, its been a wonderful day. We sat out in deckchairs in the sun!


Friday 8 April 2022


 Two of my favourite flower species come into bloom at this time of year. If the weather is kind I get a wonderful display of camellias. However, the weather has NOT been kind at all, very strong, biting winds and heavy gusts of hailstones that hammer against the windows. The petals of the camellias are frosted and many heavy heads have been snapped off. I've picked a few of the survivors to enjoy in the house.


No such trouble with the auriculas, they are tucked up in the greenhouse. All that I have to worry about with them are those pesky vine weevil grubs!






 There is stiff competition for space in the greenhouse as I've got trays of peas, beans  and squash waiting to be planted outside.


Plenty of blossom on the plum and pear trees. Mmm, gardeners are always looking forward!