Sunday, 26 January 2025


It's raining hard and blowing a hoolie, time to be tucked up safely inside. We had the briefest glimmer of sunshine yesterday, throwing light onto walls and furniture, distorting the forms.
Here is a protrait of me, painted by a friend, disguised by chards of sunlight and reflections.
I ventured into the conservatory to put several screws into the roof beams so that I could tie up the rose and jasmine strands that are covering my Greek boy. It is a cold, clammy and uninviting space in weather like this. My oranges will need more sun than this if they are ever going to ripen!


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how a room changes when the sun appears, even if just briefly.

    1. Yes, you suddenly get a fresh eye on familiar things.

  2. Rainy here today too but not cold. Our week of winter seems to have passed. Had my grandson take the staghorn back outside for me today as I can no longer lift it.
    I love your colorful walls, the green and the dark blue with stars.

    1. Colour really lifts my spirits. When I think back to other places where I've lived I always seem to have painted a green room and used a fair bit of blue (and stars!)

  3. It's good to see the sun, if only briefly. No sun here at all today - it's been grey, wet, windy and cold. I like your sun photographs - very fetching.

  4. What lovely colors in your rooms! Surely cheerful even on gloomy days.
    I hope Storm Eowyn didn't affect you too badly.
    Love the Greek Boy.

    1. We've got away quite lightly with the various storms, just a lot of brash down - good for kindling!

  5. Replies
    1. I love how the light has abstracted my portrait, painted by David Ferguson.
