Wednesday 2 August 2023


The ground is covered in white, is it snowing? No, (at least, not yet!) Wind and rain have sent down copious amounts of blossom from two of the trees in the garden. Wet petals cover paths and bushes and stick to the soles of my gardening clogs. Its claggy - is that a Yorkshire word?
The trees are large, there are still a lot of petals up there! In the autumn I shall have a go at thinning out some of the branches to create a better shape. At the moment the trees are rather solidly top heavy. The flowers are very attractive and they hang from slender branches so some careful pruning should improve things greatly.
I've no idea what species the trees are. If you know, please tell me.


  1. It looks rather spring-like! Are the blossoms scented?

    1. No perfume what-so-ever, but then it could have been overwhelming!

  2. I don't know either, but what a lot of surprises your new garden is giving.

    1. Having moved in last October I don't think there are any more surprises to come. Now I can start to think of what stays and what goes.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No idea what they are but very pretty.

  4. Very pretty on the tree, I agree, but rather messy underfoot!

  5. What a lovely tree. We saw something similar in a churchyard earlier this year which was full of pink cherry blossom. A high wind had just blown so many blossoms off at once.
