Wednesday 26 July 2023

It's raining.

Oh, how it's raining! Why should I be surprised, after all the schools have broken up for the holidays! Looking on the bright side, another magnolia flower has bloomed.


  1. Back home in Germany, we have been desperate for rain and are finally getting a daily dose of it! I‘ll only be back next week Friday and wonder how different gardens and fields will look to when I left and everything was brown and yellow instead of green.

    1. Yorkshire suits rain quite well, I think! I'm happy with all the wet for my garden here in the South-West but it isn't much fun for the holiday makers and it doesn't really feel like summer.

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't it! It has bloomed for just the shortest while though.

  3. Singapore taught me not to complain about British rain. The raindrops are so large they drop like cannonballs, splatting against the ground and causing a foot-high mist. At 50 yards distance a pedestrian appears to be walking on the ends of his shin bones rather than his feet.

    1. I'm grateful for the rain for my garden but had hopes of lounging on the beach in warmth throughout this month. Sun in the day, rain at night would suit me very well. I can't complain about our temperate weather when I see the devastation elsewhere in the world.
