Thursday 6 June 2024

The planes flew in formation over our house today. What a noise, I heard them long before I saw them in the sky. What a ferocious noise there must have been eighty years ago today.


  1. Wonderful to have them over your house (in spite of the noise).

    1. I could write nothing more than that, it grieves me so much what is happening in the world today.

    2. The world is a scary place at the moment. Makes me pleased I moved down here.

  2. The 80 years of peace and prosperity we have enjoyed owes so much to those who fought the war. I suspect we would have lived under a system of oppression like the Soviet Union or like North Korea today. WW2 aircraft were a common sight when I was little because we were near RAF Finningley.

  3. It's good to remember and honour those who fought. How sad they would be to see the current state of the world.
