Sunday 2 June 2024

Half Term

We were on grandparenting duties over the half-term and on dull and damp days were busy with building blocks, drawings, books, puzzles and jigsaws. We FINALLY finished the Where's Wally jigsaw. Never again! On the fine days we went down to the beach, walking, as usual through the tropical garden where the sunshine has brought some of the plants into flower.
There was a stiff enough breeze to keep the kite flyimg well.
The boy went in for a swim before getting down to the serious business of digging and making sandcastles.
With a little bit of help from Grandad.
But the best thing was that we mostly got to just sit and enjoy the scene!


  1. Replies
    1. We were on duty throughout the week while the parents were at work. We handed over The Boy at the weekend and had a rest!

    2. Yes, a rest is always needed at the end.

  2. Nothing better for half term to be on the beach with one‘s grandparents!

    1. Yes, that's just what I felt, a perfect childhood. (And, of course , an excuse for us to be children again, flying kites and building castles!)

  3. Replies
    1. You should have seen my mermaid! Kept The Boy busy for hours covering the tail with shells.

  4. Nothing better than grandparent duty. What a lovely time on the beach
