Thursday 4 July 2024

Summer chaos

I love a garden when it starts to riot. The gravel paths are getting ever slimmer as the flowers spread. I'm still getting to know my new patch, it is so different from any growing space that I've had before. We have maximum leaf cover just now so that for much of the day the garden is covered in deep shadow. It doesn't bode well for growing fruit and veg so I'm happy to see that my name on the allotment waiting list is gradually working it's way to the top. The trees are tall!
Plants climb skyward in search of a bit of light. (Or annoyingly sideways!)
There are a lot of buds on the magnolia this year, yet another plant that seems to have really enjoyed our very wet spring. Though cold, the weather is dry and the ground already in need of moisture. We've rigged a hosepipe up to the bathroom and are siphering the bathwater out into the garden - it's a good way to enjoy a bath without feeling guilty about the water we are using!
Hopeful signs of a few slim pickings. We shall see.


  1. Your garden is very attractive - lots of pink and purple.

    1. I'm trying to introduce more blue into the garden but the slugs have devoured my young delphinium plants. I love white flowers and hope to build up to swathes of white foxgloves, as in my previous garden. (Gardeners are always looking ahead!)

  2. Replies
    1. I don't know about that, but certainly private and pleasurable.

  3. That is my kind of garden! Full to overflowing, bursting with life. My poor flower beds look so sad right now. No rain for weeks, and too hot. It is so disappointing. We water but can never water enough to replace rain.

    1. Isn't it hard when you can see plants really struggling for water. We were just getting to that state but have been saved by an almighty downpour that had filled the empty waterbutts and given everything a good soaking.
      Hope the same comes your way soon.

  4. Your garden is so green and vibrant. Delightful! That's a great idea for the bathwater.

    1. The hosepipe takes away the guilt of wallowing in a bath!

  5. Love seeing your garden in its "riotess" state, a delight of color and vigour.
    The stone bench makes me covet it :)

    1. I'm glad to be a gardener, surely the only people to enjoy a thorough downpour in July when we should be lounging on the beach!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Susan, I'm happy to share it with you.

  7. Beautiful garden doing its beautiful summertime thing!

  8. It's a wonderful garden, just the right kind of wilderness, but I see what you mean about growing fruit and veg.
    What surprises me is your mention of magnolia buds. Here, magnolia have been in bloom months ago in April; no way we'll see any buds of them until next spring.
    Very good idea to make use of the bath water!

    1. It is the summer flowering magnolia grandiflora, a great treat for a very short space of time!
