Friday, 8 November 2013

Skywatch Friday

I've just come across the Skywatch Friday blog. What a lovely idea, to see the sky from many different places in the world. My offering shows an extremely dull, wet  sky, utterly depressing. It will make many people pleased that they do not live in the south west of England in November! (Or, for that matter, in December, January, February, March...)
There's such a low level of light that it's difficult to appreciate the autumn colours.
The garden is looking utterly neglected, I haven't been able to do any work in it since the car crash.
A few brave blooms are still dotted about the garden

and there are plenty of berries, Does this mean that we are in for a hard winter?

By five o'clock I've done the  shopping for the weekend. It's dark and cold. Heavy rain is forecast followed by frost tomorrow morning. I think it might be wise to stay in the house and hibernate!


  1. It is never dreary where a rose blooms.

    I do hate November days, no matter what month they come. The grey skies can de difficult on the mind.

    1. These little blooms are very uplifting, Maybe, but, oh, it's dreary, it really is!

  2. Well, after you commented on your "blanket of grey," I had to come over and investigate. But I have to say that photos 2, 3, & 4 are beautiful -- with the autumn colors contrasted against the grey sky. I really do like them. And then your last photo -- of the moon at night -- more than makes up for a grey sky in the daytime. Gorgeous!

    1. Hello Sandra, thanks for stopping by. I was just walking to the house with the weekend shopping when I caught sight of the moon above our rooftop so I had to take some photos. I love the skywatch idea but fear that I'll have mostly grey skies to show in the months to come.

  3. I love the blooms in your garden who have toughed it out during the weather. They are stunning! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Haiku Lover! I've posted a poem for you and for Joyful. How great to have comments from poets!

  4. Your photos are very lovely despite the rain. I live in rainy country too. I think we actually beat you out with wet, dull and grey skies and sometimes it can be difficult to hang in there until the sun shines again. xx

    1. Whisper it - were are promised some sunshine for tomorrow.

  5. Your flowers are still looking pretty, despite the rain. I really like that last shot, the lighted windows make me imagine how cozy it is inside.

    1. It is cozy inside, Tracey, with an old Aga to lean against in the kitchen and a wood-burner throwing out some heat in the sitting room. (While outside the wind howls and the rain lashes against the windows - whoooo!)

  6. Hi!
    Today we have your dull, wet sky. I am still in my pyjamas+cardigan. The day outside does not seem inviting at all. And it is so dark!

    The "Skywatch Friday"-project is cool, I immediately joined them with yesterday's sky inVienna. What I nice coincidence: yesterday's sky was admirable.

    1. Hi to you! I'm SO pleased that you are back blogging, I've missed you. I've been reading your latest posting, which is fascinating and shall leave a comment. Perhaps your friend should start a book group in the communal room.

    2. I am very happy to be back. The past 6 months have been strenuous at work. Plus the facebook-infidelity. hehe.
      When I think of community spirit, the UK comes to my mind. And the US. Austria? Not so much. Thank you for your interest in my blog, views and thoughts.

      I am lucky, because you did not leave while I was gone. :-*

  7. The sky has been overcast all week with constant rain - today is brighter - hooray. I wish I lived in the southern hemisphere right now.

    1. I'm not a winter person and rather dread the prospect of the months ahead. I hope we'll get some crisp, clear days to brighten the spirits.

  8. I hope you get fully recuperated so you can get out in the garden properly!

    1. Thank you, Coulda, I hope I do too! Ribs are healing nicely but I can't bend my neck, and the garden needs me!

  9. Rosemary, your sky looks quite similar to sky here in the southern US. My gardens have been neglected the last few weeks because of my school schedule, traveling and weather. Hoping to get out a bit this weekend.

  10. Nice to hear from you, Bonnie, I suspected that you were busy with work. But 'traveling' sounds good. I hope the weekend is going well.

  11. SkyWatch. What a nice idea. I love the change of seasons.
